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Career & Technical Education (CTE)

Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides students with the knowledge and hands-on training necessary to succeed in future careers.

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CTE Programs Offered at Houck

Audio Production
Career Exploration: Paxton-Patterson Career Lab
Family and Consumer Sciences
Video Media Art

CTE Programs in Middle Schools

Middle school CTE courses expand career awareness and provide opportunities to explore career possibilities. Middle school is the perfect time to provide students with information about future careers and introductory skills they will need to embark upon the ever-changing workforce.

Each CTE middle school course incorporates career ready practices such as teamwork, collaboration, and communication skills to assist them not only in CTE courses but throughout all courses. By offering a wide variety of CTE courses, middle school students create their own career exploration journey.

  • provide students the academic and technical skills needed for a variety of high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand careers.
  • offer students opportunities to explore potential careers and build self-awareness.
  • provide opportunities for students to start developing basic career skills and employability skills, such as professional communication, leadership, and collaboration.